> -----Original Message-----
> Subject: Re: cygwin 1.7.15: svn disk I/O error
> On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 03:48:05PM -0400, Rolf Campbell wrote:
> >Recently, I've noticed cygwin svn getting a LOT of errors during
> >operations.  I think this started when upgrading from 1.7.14 to 1.7.15,
> >but I can't say for sure.  The nature of these errors are as follows:
> >
> >$ svn up
> >Updating '.':
> >svn: E200030: disk I/O error, executing statement 'RELEASE   s6'
> >svn: E200030: sqlite: unable to open database file
> >svn: E200030: sqlite: unable to open database file
> >
> >
> >$ svn cleanup
> >svn: E200030: disk I/O error, executing statement 'RELEASE   s79'
> >
> >
> >Sometimes the errors happen, sometimes not.  It seems to be about 50%
> >of the time svn has this type of error now.  I've tried running the
> >exact same version of SVN (the command-line version shipped with
> >TourtoiseSVN) on the exact same working copies and I don't have any
> errors.
> >
> >I'm not running any anti-virus (I was, but I uninstalled it a couple of
> >days ago to make sure it wasn't causing this trouble).
> Why would you think that a disk I/O error was either anti-virus or
> Cygwin related and not... a disk I/O error?  Have you looked in your
> event logs for errors?

It is indeed AV related -- a race between SQLite and AV


I just ran into this and got around it by temporarily disabling AV

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