On 2012-06-15 06:37, Warren Young wrote:
On 6/14/2012 4:00 PM, Garrison, Jim (ETW) wrote:
Why would you think that a disk I/O error was either anti-virus or
Cygwin related and not... a disk I/O error?  Have you looked in your
event logs for errors?

It is indeed AV related -- a race between SQLite and AV

That's one possibility, but check this out:


tl;dr: someone made the problem go away by rolling my recent 3.7.12
release back to the prior 3.7.3 version.

I doubt the problem is in the upstream changes between .3 and .12.  I'm
more worried about the build option changes.  SQLite has a lot of
Windows-specific code in it, plus some Cygwin-specific code, too.  The
build changes override some things to force it to believe it's being
built for a more generic POSIX type system.

It may be both things: the build option changes that force more I/O
calls to go through Cygwin instead of direct to the Win32 API could be
tickling BLODA bugs.

Yet another possibility is that the build option changes cause a subtle
ABI change that will be fixed when SVN is rebuilt against it.

Also, I don't think I'm running any A/V software (Windows keeps nagging me that my system is *not* running A/V). I uninstalled it to see if that was the problem before reporting it to this list.

Also#2: I'm seeing this problem on a Win7x64 machine, but I also have a WinXPx32 machine which has started exhibiting the same symptoms. That one *is* running Symantec A/V (which I've never had trouble with before). It's a work machine, and I don't have permissions to uninstall A/V, but I'll see if I can convince the IT guy to uninstall it for a while to see if that resolves the problem.

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