On 2012-06-15 06:37, Warren Young wrote:
It is indeed AV related -- a race between SQLite and AV

That's one possibility, but check this out:


tl;dr: someone made the problem go away by rolling my recent 3.7.12
release back to the prior 3.7.3 version.

I doubt the problem is in the upstream changes between .3 and .12.  I'm
more worried about the build option changes.  SQLite has a lot of
Windows-specific code in it, plus some Cygwin-specific code, too.  The
build changes override some things to force it to believe it's being
built for a more generic POSIX type system.

It may be both things: the build option changes that force more I/O
calls to go through Cygwin instead of direct to the Win32 API could be
tickling BLODA bugs.

Yet another possibility is that the build option changes cause a subtle
ABI change that will be fixed when SVN is rebuilt against it.

I've rolled my machine back to to .3 and I'll see if it fixes my system too. Unfortunately, I'm not able to reproduce the problem *at all* this morning with any version of anything. I guess I'll wait and see for now.

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