Hi Larry and Stefan.

I'm also seeing unattended installation broken right now, when it was
working fine just a short number of days ago.  I do believe it is a
change in Cygwin 1.7.17 because the logic in setup.exe (whether it
changed or not) has to match up well enough with either the contents
of the package index files that it downloads and uses or the package
files themselves.. and I think something changed between the two and
the unattended installer (--quiet-mode) doesn't work.  In my case,
like Stefan's, my script downloads setup.exe, then invokes it like:

%TEMP%\setup.exe --quiet-mode --packages base-passwd,bash,bzip2,
libcurl3,curl,expat,gawk,openssh,perl,tar,wget -s

This is the output:

Starting cygwin install, version 2.774
User has backup/restore rights
io_stream_cygfile: fopen(/etc/setup/setup.rc) failed 2 No such file or directory
io_stream_cygfile: fopen(/etc/setup/last-cache) failed 2 No such file
or directory
io_stream_cygfile: fopen(/etc/setup/last-action) failed 2 No such file
or directory
io_stream_cygfile: fopen(/etc/setup/net-method) failed 2 No such file
or directory
io_stream_cygfile: fopen(/etc/setup/net-proxy-host) failed 2 No such
file or directory
io_stream_cygfile: fopen(/etc/setup/net-proxy-port) failed 2 No such
file or directory
io_stream_cygfile: fopen(/etc/setup/extrakeys) failed 2 No such file
or directory
io_stream_cygfile: fopen(/etc/setup/chooser_window_settings) failed 2
No such file or directory
Current Directory: C:\Users\jasonb
Could not open service McShield for query, start and stop. McAfee may
not be installed, or we don't have access.
root: C:\cygwin binary system
Selected local directory: C:\Users\jasonb
net: Direct
io_stream_cygfile: fopen(/etc/setup/mirrors-lst) failed 2 No such file
or directory
Cached mirror list unavailable
get_url_to_membuf http://cygwin.com/mirrors.lst
getUrlToStream http://cygwin.com/mirrors.lst
site: http://mirrors.xmission.com/cygwin/
get_url_to_membuf http://mirrors.xmission.com/cygwin//setup.bz2
getUrlToStream http://mirrors.xmission.com/cygwin//setup.bz2
get_url_to_membuf http://mirrors.xmission.com/cygwin//setup.bz2.sig
getUrlToStream http://mirrors.xmission.com/cygwin//setup.bz2.sig
io_stream_cygfile: fopen(/etc/setup/installed.db) failed 2 No such
file or directory
Added manual package bzip2
Added manual package curl
Added manual package expat
Added manual package gawk
Added manual package libcurl3
Added manual package tar
Added manual package wget
download error in unattended_mode: 3 retries remaining.
site: http://mirrors.xmission.com/cygwin/
get_url_to_membuf http://mirrors.xmission.com/cygwin//setup.bz2
getUrlToStream http://mirrors.xmission.com/cygwin//setup.bz2
get_url_to_membuf http://mirrors.xmission.com/cygwin//setup.bz2.sig
getUrlToStream http://mirrors.xmission.com/cygwin//setup.bz2.sig
package a2ps comparing versions 4.14-1 and 4.14-1, result was 0
package a2ps comparing versions 4.13-1 and 4.13-1, result was 0
package aalib comparing versions 1.4rc5-10 and 1.4rc5-10, result was 0
package aalib comparing versions 1.4rc5-3 and 1.4rc5-3, result was 0
package aalib-devel comparing versions 1.4rc5-10 and 1.4rc5-10, result was 0

.. and it continues printing package names that I didn't specifically
mention, with "result was 0" on the end of the line, and it doesn't
install my packages.  :(  Sometimes it is able to install some
packages, then a short number of packages later it fails on one,
saying the same thing: "download error in unattended_mode: 3 retries
remaining.", only it doesn't appear to retry after that.  No way to
configure the number of retries?  I'm not sure why it fails to
download, either, since I can download the file that it (sometimes)
says it's trying to download if I copy and paste the exact same URL
into my web browser.

As soon as I disable unattended mode (remove the --quiet-mode switch),
if I just take all the default settings in the installer GUI and click
the Next button a lot, the installation completes just fine.

I'd be happy to provide any other details you'd like..

Jason Brittain

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