Larry Hall (Cygwin <reply-to-list-only-lh <at>> writes:
> > As soon as I disable unattended mode (remove the --quiet-mode switch),
> > if I just take all the default settings in the installer GUI and click
> > the Next button a lot, the installation completes just fine.
> Which is why I said the problem is within 'setup.exe' itself.  Regardless
> of whether some external input may be twiddling an internal bug, it's
> still an internal bug.  And given the number of new packages within the
> last week, the chance for one of those to be a contributing factor is
> certainly much higher than for the cygwin package itself.  But we won't
> know for sure what's at the heart of it until someone has a chance to
> debug it.

Setup.exe hasn't changed for a long time.  While that doesn't preclude a bug
within setup.exe itself, I'd suggest looking at setup.ini first.  I'm absolutely
relying on unattended setup and I haven't noticed any problems, much less
recently.  However, I'm rewriting setup.ini since I merge several package
sources into a new install tree.  This also means that the general structure of
setup.ini for Cygwin must still be OK (my script would barf otherwise and I
think upset would be, well, upset as well) and I'm probably not using any of the
packages that trigger the bahaviour.  The only ones that come to mind are some
recent additions that have dots and plus characters in their version part.


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