> On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 06:48:02PM +0100, BGINFO4X wrote:
>>>>Hello everyone,
>>>>I'm trying to create a "Small Admin Cywgin relase", called AdminCgwin.
>>>>If it works, I will upload to sourceforge.
>>>>These are the main lines:
>>>>1- Create an installation windows package (.msi) with WIX.
>>>>2- Default Installed packages: base + admin + apt-cyg.
>>>>The remaining packages should be installed via apt-cyg
>>> Remember that you have to host all of the source code as well as the
>>> binaries.
>>Why do I neeed to host all the source code?  the sources are not
>>necessary to produce my binaries ... I don't compile any ...
> Because that is how the GPL works.  If you provide binaries, you
> provide sources.  This is basic stuff that you should know if you
> are planning a forked Cygwin release or any sort of distribution
> of open source binaries.


"To the setup maintainers": it would be nice add "src" option on
setup.exe, to get the source code of package with the command line.

>>> I think it's more problem
>>I see it as a "bash package" ready to be used by Win Admins ...
>>than it is worth and is likely to cause
>>> confusion within the Cygwin community.
>>I don't see that point of view: This is not a fork of cygwin, only is
>>a "Windows package of cygwin". It is "pure" cygwin.
> You're taking our packages, doing something with them and making them
> available on another site.  i.e., you're forking our release.

Ok. Thanks for your appointment.

> You're actually treading on thin ice here since you are trying to get
> help for a release that is not the subject of this mailing list.  That
> makes this whole discussion pretty much off-topic.

Yes, I'm sorry. I will move the discussion to cygwin-talk list if you
don't mind.

> And that's another issue.  We definitely will not be providing support
> for anyone who wanders in here looking for help with problems they
> encounter with your packages.

I TOTALLY agree with this.

And I can add: If they have problems with the "AdminCygwin release",
problems not related to the installation environment (msi, install
shortcuts,...), they must install cygwin from setup.exe, and try to
reproduce the problem.

Thanks a lot for the comments.

> --
> Christopher Faylor                      spammer? ->     aaas...@sourceware.org
> Cygwin Co-Project Leader                                aaas...@duffek.com
> --
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