Greetings, BGINFO4X!

>> I still think this is a bad idea.  I know what you're trying to do.  You
>> are basically trying to provide a solution using tools that you more or
>> less understand rather than trying to work within the existing
>> (admittedly crude) release structure to provide benefit to everyone who
>> uses Cygwin.

> I'm sorry, but this is not true: I only want to give comunity a "base
> package" of something that I already have.

It is Cygwin providing a base package, that you have.
The key word is "providing", means, it's already available to the community.
What you want to do is to repackage and redistribute what is already packaged
and distributed. Doing fool's work, don't you think?

> At least on my opinion, as an administrator, has very sense to have a
> "bash windows" in a "nerd-msi" installable form.

I don't understand your inclination with MSI first, and Cygwin does NOT play
by Windows rules, second.
Cygwin, per definition, adapt Linux, not Windows, paradigm, and may be VERY
destructive, if not installed correctly.

> But if you don't agree, don't mind: I can upload my next BGINFO4X
> release without creating any "AdminCygwin release".

> There is no problem, but I thought that it could be useful to others.

>> We sometimes get people here who think they have to fork Cygwin because
>> they understand some subset of something on their own and don't or can't
>> grok the big picture well enough to try to make changes within the
>> release.  There is that + the need some people have of being a
>> recognized "Project lead".  Believe me, the glory in that title cannot
>> be underestimated.  It's a heady experience.

> I'm sorry again, but If I understand you (not 100% sure), I don't want
> to be recognized.

What you want to be is not a point of discussion.
What you are trying to do - that's what matters.
Instead of learning the tools available (setup and cygport i.e.), you are
trying to produce a solution using tools you [think you] understand (MSI).

I think many readers of the list would appreciate, if you stop quoting the
people's templates.

Andrey Repin ( 23.01.2014, <20:46>

Sorry for my terrible english...

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