On 2/9/14, carolus  wrote:
> On 2/9/2014 4:16 PM, Andrey Repin wrote:
>> Just create a shell link in your personal "Send To..." folder with
>> specified
>> command. On Windows XP, it is in "%USERPROFILE%/SendTo". Dunno about
>> other,
>> This way, even though a bit convoluted, allow you to edit ANY file with
>> your
>> chosen program. Regardless of extension, and even in absence of it, as it
>> is
>> the case for many traditional shell scripts.
>    On Windows 7, %USERPROFILE$ points to my user folder.  But I get an
> "access forbidden" message if I try to open the SendTo subdirectory from
> Explorer. There is no option to right-click and elevate, and I get the
> same "access forbidden" message even if I switch to an administrator
> account. Strangely, I can open that directory from the command line, but
> the only way I know how to create a Windows link is by right-click
> drag&drop from the GUI.
>>>> >>  I.e. just make an association to open a file with vi(m). In a usual
>>>> >> Windows way.
>>> >  The only "usual Windows way" I know is for windows executables.
>> Cygwin applications are (surprize!) windows executables
> But not "normal" executables in the sense that they run when you click
> on them from Explorer. Somehow you have to get into cmd.exe first.  And
> then you need to get the path and filename into vim.  This is getting
> too complicated for a nonprogrammer like myself.

I'm surprised this worked, but
right click on a .txt file in explorer, select open with, choose program
click on "browse", navigate to c:\cygwin\bin (or wherever you
installed cygwin), double-click on vi.exe

> Probably the subject is best dropped.  It is more a Windows problem than
> a Cygwin one, and I have been getting by with the clumsy method for the
> last ten years.  I just thought there might be an easy fix.

have you tried http://www.vim.org/download.php
installs a windows version of vi that you can put in your path & no
nasty cygwin/windows permissions or line endings issues.


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