Corinna Vinschen wrote:
>Default is 'auto':
>    builtin accounts;   "+SYSTEM", "+LOCAL", etc.
>    primary domain      "corinna", "cgf", ...
>    other domain:       "DOMAIN1+walter", "DOMAIN2+mathilda"
>  If set to 'primary':
>    builtin accounts;   "+SYSTEM", "+LOCAL", etc.
>    primary domain      "MYDOMAIN+corinna", "MYDOMAIN+cgf", ...
>    other domain:       "DOMAIN1+walter", "DOMAIN2+mathilda"
>  If set to 'always':
>    builtin accounts;   "NT AUTHORITY+SYSTEM", "BULTIN+LOCAL", etc.
>    primary domain      "MYDOMAIN+corinna", "MYDOMAIN+cgf", ...
>    other domain:       "DOMAIN1+walter", "DOMAIN2+mathilda"

>1. Shall we remove the leading '+' from the builtin account names
>   or shall we keep it?

None of these three seem correct to me. It should be:

builtin accounts;   "NT AUTHORITY+SYSTEM", "BULTIN+LOCAL", etc.
primary domain      "corinna", "cgf", ...
other domain:       "DOMAIN1+walter", "DOMAIN2+mathilda"

Windows treats "NT AUTHORITY" and "BUILTIN" as foreign domains like DOMAIN1
and DOMAIN2 in Win32 APIs that use a single string for domain and username,
e.g. lpServiceStartName in CreateService. Examples:

".\user1" - can be uses as a shortcut for "MYDOMAIN\user1"
".\NetworkService" - cannot be used as a shortcut for "NT
".\WdiServiceHost" - cannot be used as a shortcut for "NT

Whenever ".\some name" cannot be used as shortcut for "some default\some
name" in Win32, it should not be converted to "+some name" but to
"DOMAIN+some name" in Cygwin. This should be at least configurable thru
db_prefix even though most users might not want to see names like " NT

>2. Shall we stick to '+' as the separator char or choose another one?
>   If so, which one?

Yes "+" is well known for that purpose in Linux and other Unixes. Keep
db_separator in /etc/nsswitch.conf if possible

>3. Shall we keep the `db_prefix' variability or choose one of
>   the prefixing methods and stick to it?  If so, which one, auto,
>   primary, or always?
See above

>Bonus question:
>4. Should Cygwin downcase all usernames when generating the Cygwin
>   username
I prefer downcase. Other users probably will not. So db_username_downcase =
true/false would be great.


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