On Jul 31 23:06, Christoph H. Hochstaetter wrote:
> Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> >Default is 'auto':
> >
> >    builtin accounts;   "+SYSTEM", "+LOCAL", etc.
> >    primary domain      "corinna", "cgf", ...
> >    other domain:       "DOMAIN1+walter", "DOMAIN2+mathilda"
> >
> >  If set to 'primary':
> >
> >    builtin accounts;   "+SYSTEM", "+LOCAL", etc.
> >    primary domain      "MYDOMAIN+corinna", "MYDOMAIN+cgf", ...
> >    other domain:       "DOMAIN1+walter", "DOMAIN2+mathilda"
> >
> >  If set to 'always':
> >
> >    builtin accounts;   "NT AUTHORITY+SYSTEM", "BULTIN+LOCAL", etc.
> >    primary domain      "MYDOMAIN+corinna", "MYDOMAIN+cgf", ...
> >    other domain:       "DOMAIN1+walter", "DOMAIN2+mathilda"
> >1. Shall we remove the leading '+' from the builtin account names
> >   or shall we keep it?
> None of these three seem correct to me. It should be:
> builtin accounts;   "NT AUTHORITY+SYSTEM", "BULTIN+LOCAL", etc.
> primary domain      "corinna", "cgf", ...
> other domain:       "DOMAIN1+walter", "DOMAIN2+mathilda"

The prefix-only variation for builtin and well-known acocunts is what's
originally used by SFU.  I cloned that behaviour as it seemed to have
advantages handling getpwname/getgrnam calls.

> Windows treats "NT AUTHORITY" and "BUILTIN" as foreign domains like DOMAIN1
> and DOMAIN2 in Win32 APIs that use a single string for domain and username,
> e.g. lpServiceStartName in CreateService. Examples:
> ".\user1" - can be uses as a shortcut for "MYDOMAIN\user1"
> [...]

The Windows ".\" prefixing is not at all utilized inside Cygwin.  It has
nothing to do with how the prefixing is evaluated.

> This should be at least configurable thru
> db_prefix even though most users might not want to see names like " NT
> AUTHORITY+SYSTEM " in ls -l.

That's what you get with db_prefix "auto" or "primary".

> >2. Shall we stick to '+' as the separator char or choose another one?
> >   If so, which one?
> Yes "+" is well known for that purpose in Linux and other Unixes. Keep
> db_separator in /etc/nsswitch.conf if possible
> >3. Shall we keep the `db_prefix' variability or choose one of
> >   the prefixing methods and stick to it?  If so, which one, auto,
> >   primary, or always?
> See above
> >Bonus question:
> >
> >4. Should Cygwin downcase all usernames when generating the Cygwin
> >   username
> I prefer downcase. Other users probably will not. So db_username_downcase =
> true/false would be great.

Sigh.  YA setting.  I was trying to *simplify* the stuff and reduce
variability since that stuff only complicates the code for... what


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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