Hello everyone, 

I've searched for a very long time, without answer to my issue. 

Here's my problem : 

I have to make a new setup of cygwin (with NSIS), and with new packages. 
Computers are on Windows 7 x64. 

I've download packages without installing them, and the setup x64 version 
I've made some modifications : 

- packages are in tar.xz, I've made them in tar.bz2 
- setup.ini has been modify too 

When I want to install packages on target computer in local installation mode, 
there are multiples errors : 

- no packages installed... 
- the command is (in NSIS file) ExecWait '$INSTDIR\setup.exe -R c:\cygwin -L -l 
$INSTDIR\cygwin-setup -C base -P 
openssh,tcpwrapper,rsync,ping,vim,cron,shutdown,zip,unzip,wget,time -q' 
- I've tried without --quiet-mode also, but he doesn't found packages either. 
- I've changed view in graphic mode when you choose package (in "not installed" 
view, they are visibles), I've selected one, but I've the error : "Can't open 
(null) for readind : no such file" 

And, the most frustrating thing, is that : version 2.738 works. 

Please, can anyone help me ? 

I've certainly missed something, but I don't know what or when. 

And in advance, sorry for my english, I'm french. 

Thank you. 


Emmanuelle FOURNIER 
E-mail : emmanuelle.fourn...@partnre.com 

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