Good Morning,

First of all, thank you for answering me.

 - For packages format, I'm not an expert,  so I've changed in tar.bz2, because 
in the x86 version of program, they were in tar.bz2.
But if you mean that is not a cause, I will modify this.

 - I've modified setup in order to find packages in tar.bz2 instead of tar.xz.

 - There were errors for each packages, a pop-up came each time with the 
following message  : "Can't open (null) for readind : no such file"

 - I really think that this command work, but I don't know where can be the 
error, so I'm searching everywhere.

$INSTDIR doesn't include a network drive letter : " InstallDir 
"C:\D3IPARAM\setup_cygwin" "

I will try again, without changed format. I really have to download first, then 
install, because it will be deployed.

var/log/setup.log, in my two last try :

2016/03/25 16:21:03 Starting cygwin install, version 2.873
2016/03/25 16:21:03 User has backup/restore rights
2016/03/25 16:21:03 io_stream_cygfile: fopen(/etc/setup/setup.rc) failed 2 No 
such file or directory
2016/03/25 16:21:03 Current Directory: C:\D3IPARAM\setup_cygwin\cygwin-setup
2016/03/25 16:21:03 Could not open service McShield for query, start and stop. 
McAfee may not be installed, or we don't have access.
2016/03/25 16:21:09 source: from local dir
2016/03/25 16:21:10 root: c:\cygwin system
2016/03/25 16:21:12 Selected local directory: 
2016/03/25 16:21:12 io_stream_cygfile: fopen(/etc/setup/installed.db) failed 2 
No such file or directory
2016/03/25 16:21:28 Selected local directory: 
2016/03/25 16:21:39 mbox note: Can't open (null) for reading: No such file
2016/03/25 16:25:33 Changing gid back to original
2016/03/25 16:25:33 Changing gid to Administrators
2016/03/25 16:25:46 mbox note: Can't open (null) for reading: No such file
2016/03/25 16:55:39 mbox note: Can't open (null) for reading: No such file
2016/03/25 16:55:40 Changing gid back to original
2016/03/25 16:55:40 Changing gid to Administrators
2016/03/25 16:56:41 mbox note: Can't open (null) for reading: No such file
2016/03/30 08:44:04 mbox note: Can't open (null) for reading: No such file
2016/03/30 08:44:05 mbox note: Can't open (null) for reading: No such file
2016/03/30 08:44:06 Changing gid back to original
2016/03/30 08:44:06 Changing gid to Administrators
2016/03/30 08:44:08 note: Nothing needed to be installed
2016/03/30 08:44:08 Ending cygwin install

And I can try without "-C base".

That's my new try :

- I've downloaded
- Next, I've copied my fresh repository in $INSTDIR
- I've recompiled NSIS to create my new setup.exe
- On my target computer, I've executed setup.exe : files have been copied, but 
no packages installed

New setup.log :

2016/03/31 09:51:37 Starting cygwin install, version 2.873
2016/03/31 09:51:37 User has backup/restore rights
2016/03/31 09:51:37 Current Directory: C:\D3IPARAM\setup_cygwin\cygwin-setup
2016/03/31 09:51:37 Could not open service McShield for query, start and stop. 
McAfee may not be installed, or we don't have access.
2016/03/31 09:51:37 root: c:\cygwin system
2016/03/31 09:51:37 Selected local directory: 
2016/03/31 09:51:38 Changing gid back to original
2016/03/31 09:51:38 Changing gid to Administrators
2016/03/31 09:51:38 Ending cygwin install

A final information : I've made it with x86 setup on x64 target machine. Is it 
a problem ? I don't think so, but I still wonder.

Thank you by advance.


Emmanuelle FOURNIER
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