Hello Warren,

After your last mail, I've made some tests according with your explanations : 

 - Downloading and installing with unmodified setup.exe wasn't ok, until I 
changed the download site (you're right about bogus domain names)
 - after this change, no more problem, installing was correct, even with my 
modified setup.

x86 version is ok now, I have to made the same thing with x64 version 

For information, I've chosen the following sites : http://mirrors.sonic.net

And without -C base and with --quiet-mode, it's ok.

Thank you so much for your help

Have a nice day


Emmanuelle FOURNIER 
E-mail : emmanuelle.fourn...@partnre.com 

----- Mail original -----
De: "Warren Young" <w...@etr-usa.com>
À: "cygwin" <cygwin@cygwin.com>
Envoyé: Vendredi 1 Avril 2016 03:09:42
Objet: Re: Packages not found by setup 2.873

On Mar 31, 2016, at 2:57 AM, EMMANUELLE FOURNIER 
<emmanuelle.fourn...@partnre.com> wrote:
> I've changed in tar.bz2, because in the x86 version of program, they were in 
> tar.bz2.

You’ve misdiagnosed the cause of the change.  Cygwin changed from distributing 
bz2-packed tarballs to xz-packed tarballs many months ago for both x86 and 

> But if you mean that is not a cause, I will modify this.

I’d want better proof than what you’ve provided to decide that xz is causing 
your problems.

> - I've modified setup in order to find packages in tar.bz2 instead of tar.xz.
> - There were errors for each packages, a pop-up came each time with the 
> following message  : "Can't open (null) for readind : no such file”

Try your setup with a fresh set of .xz packages and an unmodified setup.exe 
binary, downloaded from cygwin.com.  Then if that fails, get back to us.

> 2016/03/25 16:21:28 Selected local directory: 
> C:\D3IPARAM\setup_cygwin\cygwin-setup\http%3a%2f%2fcygwin.gicm.net%3a8080%2f

It seems you’re using bogus domain names in your setup.ini file.  
http://cygwin.gicm.net doesn’t resolve:


I don’t know if this is the primary problem or just a contributing error, but 
you shouldn’t have setup.exe chasing after things that don’t exist.  At best, 
it will cause it to do a bunch of work with no useful effect.

> And I can try without "-C base”.

I verified that guess after I posted it: -C base is indeed not necessary.

> A final information : I've made it with x86 setup on x64 target machine. Is 
> it a problem ? I don't think so, but I still wonder.

If you mean that you’re installing 32-bit Cygwin on a 64-bit machine, that’s 
fine.  The other direction is not fine.

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