On Mon, 1 Mar 2021 at 15:33, KAVALAGIOS Panagiotis (EEAS-EXT) wrote:
> Dear all,
> Something went wrong to my Cygwin installation update (update is performed by 
> removing everything and installing again the new version). The home directory 
> of my user was not created, when you run Cygwin for the first time. When I 
> start Cygwin it defaults to the evil C:\Windows\System32!?!?
> -bash-4.4$ pwd
> /cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/System32
> -bash-4.4$ cd
> -bash: cd: /home/kavalpa: No such file or directory
> -bash-4.4$
> How this can be fixed in proper way, without causing any permission issues.

These directories aren't normally created by the install scripts, but
by the /etc/profile script the first time you create a login shell.
You should see a message saying "Copying skeleton files. // These
files are for the users to personalise their cygwin experience." when
that happens.

Therefore the key question here: how are you starting Cygwin?

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