Hi Brian and Thomas,
If any of you is the maintainer of cygwin@cygwin.com mailling list, see the 
reason why I am asking to remove my email a...@wustl.edu from the 
cygwin@cygwin.com list. Thank you in advance, Aldi Kraja, DSc, PhD

By the way, the interactive unsubscribe does not work. It needs a password, 
which probably may have never been setup on my part. If you know the maintainer 
of cygwin@cygwin.com I would appreciate if you can forward this email request.

From: Kraja, Aldi <aldikr...@email.wustl.edu>
Sent: Friday, March 5, 2021 03:22 PM
To: KAVALAGIOS Panagiotis (EEAS-EXT) <panagiotis.kavalag...@ext.eeas.europa.eu>
Cc: cygwin@cygwin.com <cygwin@cygwin.com>
Subject: Re: Home directory was not created

Dear Thomas, Kavalagios, Brian and who is the maintainer of the CYGWIN team,
Please remove my email address a...@wustl.edu from your posting lists 

I have enjoyed your hard work as well as your outstanding contributions. But, 
now the time has arrived that your project is obsolete, because Microsoft has 
introduced ubuntu for windows system on windows 10, which covers everything I 
need. So, I have removed cygwin software from all my computers.

The installation of UBUNTU on windows 10 is very simple: a) On the search box 
of windows 10, search for "Turn Windows Features On or Off", b) In that list, 
check the box for "Windows Subsystem for Linux", c) Install the latest UBUNTU 
from Microsoft store for free, d) run terminal of Ubuntu from windows as an 
app: first time it will asks to set a username and password.
e) Follow with sudo ubuntu apt upgrade ; sudo ubuntu apt update. The rest is 
whatever the user wants to do, by installing additional packages, emacs etc. To 
simplify the use of x-win interface one can install VcXsrc for using XLaunch 
app for free.

Once more thank you for all your efforts in years. It has been a great help to 
use your software in years.

Best wishes,

Aldi Kraja, DSc, PhD


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