Hi David,

David Dyck via Cygwin wrote:
On Tue, Aug 10, 2021 at 10:56 AM Brian Inglis  wrote:
Apparently that Windows Version is for the Windows 11 Preview.
That appears to be an alpha quality product, from bug fix announcements.
I didn't find anything much useful from MS or articles only features.
You might want to reach out for help via the Windows Feedback Hub,
and/or MS App Assure re compatibility if your org has 150+ licenses.

I'm interested in what could be going wrong that would cause only some
cygwin programs to fail.

I'd be happy to report the issue via Windows Feedback if I could point
to something specific.

Maybe I should rebuild "more.exe" from source?

Won't help. The strace and ldd output shows the exception is happening in cygncursesw-10.dll. That's unfortunate because many Cygwin programs use that DLL, including the debugger gdb.

comparing the mentioned
it appears that cygwin creates different formats of files but seems to
call them *.stackdump

Yes, that's intentional. Depending on the current state of the faulting program it may not be possible to get a stack backtrace. The info shown is what can (probably) be trusted.

You could try downgrading ncurses via Cygwin setup. Best case: things work. Worst case: things break but at a different address within the DLL.

Another tack could be for somebody *on a working system* install the debuginfo for ncurses, figure out the exception's address *in the ncurses installed locally*, run 'more' under gdb after setting a breakpoint at that address. Poke around to see what ncurses is doing in that area. Maybe it's acting on a Windows result that's busted on the Windows preview. Or something else. Good luck with this route :-/.


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