On Tue, Aug 10, 2021 at 12:50 PM Mark Geisert wrote:

> You could try downgrading ncurses via Cygwin setup.  Best case: things work.

Best case achieved

Ran setup

this is what it said it would do

Uninstall libncursesw10 6.1-1.20190727 (automatically added)
Uninstall ncurses 6.1-1.20190727 (automatically added)
Install libncurses-devel 6.0-11.20170617
Install libncursesw10 6.0-11.20170617
Install ncurses 6.0-11.20170617

now I can click on my

   C:\cygwin64\bin\mintty.exe -i /Cygwin-Terminal.ico -

and get my beloved bash prompt again

Thank you all for getting me back up and running.
I am willing to try other experiments, though responses may be delayed at times.

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