On 9/6/2021 4:54 PM, Peter Dons Tychsen wrote:
Hi there,

On Mon, 2021-09-06 at 14:40 -0400, Ken Brown via Cygwin wrote:
No, wait.  I get what you say.  The optimzation settings of the test
case should have no influence on the code inside the DLL.  That
make sense for sure.  However, I ran the testcase under GDB, I could
reproduce the issue, and I could fix it by setting mmap_ext.Reserved
= 0;
Go figure!

I don't get it, but I can confirm that the problem is fixed.

That sounds a bit like a voodoo fix, that could quickly regress again.

Here is my 2 cents:

Currently the mmap_ext structure is setup like this:

  215       MEM_EXTENDED_PARAMETER mmap_ext = {
  216         .Type = MemExtendedParameterAddressRequirements,
  217         .Pointer = (PVOID) &mmap_req
  218       };

This means that all other entries in the struct are zero at
initialization as described here:

So if you set "mmap_ext.Reserved = 0" again after that its a double

You're looking at the wrong source code. The bug didn't occur until the code was changed to do the following:

      /* g++ 11.2 workaround: don't use initializer */
      mmap_ext.Type = MemExtendedParameterAddressRequirements;
      mmap_ext.Pointer = (PVOID) &mmap_req;

This left mmap_ext.Reserved uninitialized, which Corinna has now fixed.


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