> Apache had/has two run modes, pre-forking and threaded.  It appears
you're running it in pre-forking mode.  Try running it in threaded mode.
This might be controlled by httpd.conf or some other Apache config file.

That is doable, but changing it makes it so that PHP no longer works.

To make that change, you just comment out the mpm_prefork.so line and
uncomment the mpm_worker.so line to change the mode in httpd.conf:

#LoadModule mpm_prefork_module modules/mod_mpm_prefork.so
LoadModule mpm_worker_module modules/mod_mpm_worker.so

But then, PHP no longer works, so that doesn't really help in this
situation, as I must have PHP working.  I believe the pre-forking mode used
to work previously.  I'm trying to test this in Windows 7 and 10 to confirm.

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