OwN-3m-All via Cygwin writes:
> \??\C:\OGP64\bin\cygharfbuzz-0.dll: Loaded to different address:
> parent(0x3FE6C0000) != child(0x600000)
> [Thu Oct 14 20:35:18.358045 2021] [mpm_prefork:error] [pid 89] (11)Resource
> temporarily unavailable: AH00159: fork: Unable to fork new process
>       0 [main] httpd 153 child_info_fork::abort:
> \??\C:\OGP64\bin\cygfreetype-6.dll: Loaded to different address:
> parent(0x3FF1B0000) != child(0x600000)
> [Thu Oct 14 20:35:28.557723 2021] [mpm_prefork:error] [pid 89] (11)Resource
> temporarily unavailable: AH00159: fork: Unable to fork new process
> I issued the "rebase-trigger fullrebase" command and ran the cygwin setup
> for it to rebase.  I rebooted the server, and that didn't make a difference.
> Any idea why this is happening or how to fix it?

Notice how _all_ images are mapped to the same (extremely low) address
even though they seem to be rebased properly as evidenced by their
address in the parent process.  I suggest you disable whatever BLODA
thinks it's a good idea to inject itself into Cygwin processes.

+<[Q+ Matrix-12 WAVE#46+305 Neuron microQkb Andromeda XTk Blofeld]>+

SD adaptations for KORG EX-800 and Poly-800MkII V0.9:

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