On 10/16/2021 9:49 PM, OwN-3m-All via Cygwin wrote:
Hopefully I can strace at some point soon and get back to you with the
I have multiple confirmed reports from other people that this no longer
works though. And again, I tried it on three different fresh installs of
different Windows operating systems (with no bloatware or BLODA), and all
of them had the same issue.
I have one other thought. There was a recent packaging change in harfbuzz and
freetype2 that introduced a circular dependency between the two:
Since those are the two DLLs that are causing a problem for you, maybe that
circular dependency doesn't work well on Cygwin for some reason. Please try
downgrading to the previous versions of harfbuzz and freetype2 and see if that
fixes the problem.
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