On Sun, Jan 16, 2022 at 11:55 PM Lavrentiev, Anton (NIH/NLM/NCBI) [C]
via Cygwin  wrote:
> Hi all,
> Before I go ahead and try to submit this as a bug report with the Apache 
> Subversion project, I wanted to ask
> if anybody experiences the same issue as me (or, maybe it's a Cygwin issue, 
> not svn's)...
> I use svn at home on Cygwin via a tunneled connection to my SVN server at 
> work, so when the tunnel is
> not up (and basically, svn connects to localhost:SVN-port and supposedly 
> receives "connection refused"),
> it crashes ungracefully with SEGFAULT leaving the repo locked ("svn cleanup" 
> is required).  When the tunnel
> is up, everything goes well.  Also, I could not reproduce any such behavior 
> at work, because the server there
> is readily available, so the connection always succeeds.
> It's not new, but it reached a tipping point, and I would rather try to have 
> it fixed.
> So this is how it looks like when the tunnel is down:
> $ svn --version
> svn, version 1.14.1 (r1886195)
>    compiled Feb 12 2021, 17:58:10 on x86_64-unknown-cygwin
> ...
> $ svn up
> Updating '.':
> Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Subversion seems to have along list of upstream issues

can you check if the issue was already noted and solved upstream ?
If so I can deploy a new release.


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