On 2022-01-17 23:15, Marco Atzeri wrote:
On 18.01.2022 03:03, Lavrentiev, Anton (NIH/NLM/NCBI) [C] wrote:
Subversion seems to have along list of upstream issues
can you check if the issue was already noted and solved upstream ?
If so I can deploy a new release.

Looks like 1.14.1 dated Feb 2021 is the latest official release, per their website;
and that's what we have in Cygwin.

I also tried to check out and build it right from the repository, but there were some issues....  Once finally built I got an error message that the https:// scheme wasn’t supported.  I guess I missed some configuration peculiarities for Cygwin (but also, I noticed that for some reason the source code treats Cygwin as Windows -- particularly how the pathname is assumed to have the drive letters, and that is really baffling --
so I am not exactly sure what was meant by that by the SVN developers).

you can rebuild with the same Cygwin setting and patches reusing the
content of the cygwin source packages. You can use Setup to download it.
It should appear under /usr/src.

You will need to install the package cygport to replicate the build

There is large manual to understand the script settings in

Submitted details for adding Cygwin packages to the Apache Subversion Binary Packages web page:


to the Subversion ML:


Also noticed that current subversion cygport, patches, etc. are not yet checked in to the git-cygwin-packages repo:


Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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