Greetings, Marco Atzeri!

> On 26.01.2022 21:16, Andrey Repin wrote:
>> Greetings, marco atzeri!
>> Marco, on an unrelated note, can you please package Subversion with
>> alternatives support?
>> I understand that the request is uncommon, but I do have uncommon
>> requirements. I'm using a custom Subversion build, which is good for common
>> use, but have a small deficiency in LC_TIME handling (simply put, it always
>> output localized dates, regardless of the settings).
>> Thus I have to use a different Subversion binary for release automation.
>> I already do some massaging to a similar extent, but a proper alternatives
>> support would be much more convenient.
>> Thank you in advance.

> Hi Andrey
> what exactly do you mean ?

> is you need svn to point to another program than

>    /usr/bin/svn.exe

> can not you set Alternatives to use a

>    /usr/local/bin/svn

> as switch point between /usr/bin/svn.exe and your alternate ?
> What am I missing ?

Hm, point. :) That did not occurred to me. thanks for the idea!

With best regards,
Andrey Repin
Friday, January 28, 2022 11:00:07

Sorry for my terrible english...

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