On 7/1/2022 1:46 AM, Lavrentiev, Anton (NIH/NLM/NCBI) [C] via Cygwin wrote:
Now, if I run this code in my Cygwin home directory (and any directory that I create 
using "mkdir..." under it),
I am getting the expected results:

$ ~/sun
fstat mode = 140666
stat mode = 140666

$ ls -l .socket
srw-rw-rw-+ 1 ANTON None 0 Jul  1 01:19 .socket=

However, if I run it elsewhere (different drive "cd /cygdrive/g/cygwin" -- it's 
NOT where Cygwin is installed,
just a folder that keeps files for Cygwin development, the installation is on 
C:\Cygwin64), I cannot predict
the results.  What's weird is that fstat and stat report different file modes.

$ pwd
$ ~/sun
fstat mode = 140666
stat mode = 140666
$ ls -l .socket
srw-rw-rw-+ 1 ANTON None 0 Jul  1 01:24 .socket=

So all's good here, BUT:

$ mkdir subdir
$ cd subdir
$ pwd
$ ~/sun
fstat mode = 140666
stat mode = 140664
$ ls -l .socket
srw-rw-r--+ 1 ANTON None 0 Jul  1 01:25 .socket=

Note that fstat lied!

For some reason getfacl returns "Not supported", so I could not investigate 
with that

Can you give us more information about where that error is coming from? Are you able to run getfacl under gdb and show us a backtrace from that point? I often find it helpful to first run the program under strace in order to locate the source of the error, so I know where to set a breakpoint in gdb.

And what can you tell us about the drive /cygdrive/g? The failure of getfacl suggests that Cygwin thinks the drive doesn't support ACLs, in which case it might just be faking permissions (lying).


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