On Feb 15 09:46, Kevin Ushey via Cygwin wrote:
> Thanks -- I've put the associated WinDbg output up at
> https://gist.github.com/kevinushey/cdbd15cdf22e5cdcd094b0ad80347dce.
> (Sharing it externally just because it's relatively large.)

Thank you!

> The important thing to note is that #RtlGetCurrentDirectory_U appears
> to be valid ARM assembly, but not x86_64 assembly. My hypothesis here
> is that the stub is used to allow emulated x86_64 processes to call
> back into native ARM code... which would further confirm that
> disabling the find_fast_cwd_pointer checks for ARM is the correct
> choice.

I guess so, but I'm quite puzzled how the emulator is supposed
to know that it just left the x86_64 assembler code.  Magic!!!

Checking the ARM code, it might even be possible to come up with
a real solution, given this line in the first few bytes of

  00000001`802b7054 db030094 bl      ntdll!#RtlpReferenceCurrentDirectory 

This seems to fetch the address of the pointer we're interested in.
It's unlikely (but not impossible) that the structure differs from the
same struct as on x86_64.

We may have a chance there, but I would feel better if I could debug my
code by myself.


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