Hi Kevin,

On Feb 15 20:13, Corinna Vinschen via Cygwin wrote:
> On Feb 15 09:46, Kevin Ushey via Cygwin wrote:
> > https://gist.github.com/kevinushey/cdbd15cdf22e5cdcd094b0ad80347dce.
> [...]
>   00000001`802b7054 db030094 bl      ntdll!#RtlpReferenceCurrentDirectory 
> (1802b7fc0)

I'm not familiar with ARM assembler, but a quick search showed that the
`bl' opcode is basically a subroutine call.

So ntdll!#RtlpReferenceCurrentDirectory is not the address of the struct
pointer, as I surmised, but the address of the function (probably)
fetching the address of the struct pointer.

Would you mind to send the assembler output for this function as well?


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