Dave Korn wrote:

> > What really needs to be improved is mhonarc or whatever app is used to
> > make the web archives.  It should detect when the message contains no
> > linebreaks and not use PRE but rather let the browser render it as
> > normal text, so that it will be wrapped to the width of the screen as
> > intended.
>   Actually it's easier than that, I think.  All it needs to do is grep
> through the MIME headers.  If it finds the format-flowed tag, it doesn't
> insert <PRE>.  If it doesn't find it, it does.

I think it needs a little more intelligence than that.  A message that
has a Content-Transfer-Encoding of quoted-printable can be both
preformatted with linebreaks, or flowed.  You could even have a mix of
both in the same message.  It all depends on whether each line ends in
'=' or not.  

If you go back and look at William's original message that started all
this, there's no 'flowed' tag at all, just QP-encoding.


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