This is a top post, sorry about that, I normally do not do this, but in order to show my point I will have to do it.


I agree with you 99.9999%, however, there's a consequence to your words that you are not seeing, which is this.

Imagine that I were to read your post on a PDA, the way it would look in a 30 columns screen would like shown below, quite unreadable!. Now imagine that I connect my PDA to read my e-mail and I see your message, would it be useful to me? No, simply because you sent the message in a format that seems corrupted in my screen, that's why. In another words your words about "being wanted to be read" may back fire at you, in fact I wonder how useful is an archive if no one can read it (well this is not quite true, but it would be nice to be able to read it as intended in any medium).

That's why the world is moving toward format=flowed. I encourage you to do the same, even if your old and grumpy, or just mean.

  Below is your quoted message

*** Corinna Vinschen
tv) wrote in the cygwin...:

On Jul 9 11:03, William
Blunn wrote:
I think not. I think the
counter argument would be
"Yes we know it
makes the occasional
command-line appear
line-wrapped, but that is a
nano-issue compared to the
downside which is that it will
mess up the
display for all the flowed
messages, which is a far bigger

My 2ct are simply this: If
somebody wants to be read, he
or she should
stick to the common rules.
If somebody isn't able or
willing to learn
these rules, bad luck for him
or her.  I'm against pampering
people so that they can lean
back and stay clueless.  Call
me mean.


-- Eduardo

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