Brian Dessent wrote:

William Blunn wrote:

I only wish that I could go back in time and show the inventor of <PRE> the havoc they have wreaked by making it turn off wrapping by default.

I'm pretty sure you were joking here but if not...

That's the whole point of PRE, that it *doesn't* wrap. It's for text that's been preformatted, with linefeeds and spacing already determined. If PRE were to mangle the text by wrapping it at some margin, it would totally defeat the purpose of the tag.

What really needs to be improved is mhonarc or whatever app is used to make the web archives. It should detect when the message contains no linebreaks and not use PRE but rather let the browser render it as normal text, so that it will be wrapped to the width of the screen as intended.

IOW the <pre> tag is not the appropriate tag for the job in the case of a format=flowed message.

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