--- Corinna Vinschen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> What means "without fail"?  

without notraverse, drive e is never mounted.  It is
always mounted with notraverse as environmental

> Could you please generate an strace of df instead of

I have attached 3 traces...
1) df1.trace from: strace -o df1.trace df

This is a trace just after starting cygwin.

$ df
Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available
Use% Mounted on
C:\cygwin\bin         78051800  38234832  39816968 
49% /usr/bin
C:\cygwin\lib         78051800  38234832  39816968 
49% /usr/lib
C:\cygwin             78051800  38234832  39816968 
49% /
c:                    78051800  38234832  39816968 
49% /cygdrive/c
j:                     9000000         0   9000000  
0% /cygdrive/j
k:                     9000000         0   9000000  
0% /cygdrive/k
l:                     9000000         0   9000000  
0% /cygdrive/l
p:                    78116028  44932424  33183604 
58% /cygdrive/p
q:                   117218240  10258144 106960096  
9% /cygdrive/q

2) mount_e.trace from: strace -o mount2.trace mount -u
e:/ /cygdrive/e

This one gives some information on e:/

3) df2.trace from: "strace -o df2.trace df"  after the
above mount.

I get the same stdout df as before, with a stderr
output of: df: `/cygdrive/e': Permission denied

Thanks,  Chris Winne

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Attachment: df1.trace.bz2
Description: df1.trace.bz2

Attachment: mount_e.trace.bz2
Description: mount_e.trace.bz2

Attachment: df2.trace.bz2
Description: df2.trace.bz2

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