On Fri, 26 Aug 2005 11:39:39 GMT, Harry Putnam wrote:

> My background is unix/linux so when I find myself on MS OS of one
> vintage or another I sorely need the cygwin tools.  
> However, one thing I've not found a way to get smoothed out is how to
> run emacs.
> I want to run emacs in gui mode but without starting an X session.
> That is, similar to what is possible with ntemacs.
> Now I could just use ntemacs but then one runs into path problems
> since that tool doesn't know about `cygdrive', and I see no handy way
> to make that work with both cygwin setup and win native stuff.
> Using the cygwin installed emacs I get the -nw effect as if emacs were
> running in a linux console, unless I start an X session and run emacs
> from there.
> Is there a handy way (on winxp) to use emacs as if in X but without
> installing or using the X side of cygwin?

You may find it easier to teach NTemacs about cygwin paths:



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