Hi all, im new to the list so excuse any mistaken ignorance on my behalf =P

I have a problem, and ill try to give as much detail as possible.

I am trying to run the file hldsupdatetool.bin downloaded from filefront.
When this failed, I downloaded hlds_l_1120_full.bin from the same website.

I have changed persmission using windows "Security" tab and gave all users full permissions.
I then chmod 777 both files.

When I ./ either, the result is
./hlds_l_1120_full.bin: ./hlds_l_1120_full.bin: cannot execute binary file
./hldsupdatetool.bin: ./hldsupdatetool.bin: cannot execute binary file

-rwxrwxrwx+ 1 c0ldfyr3 None 445055300 Sep 24 18:56 hlds_l_1120_full.bin
-rwxr-xr-x+ 1 c0ldfyr3 None 3513408 Apr 7 22:48 hldsupdatetool.bin (May have been 755 but should work anyway)

I also tried reinstalling cygwin with the LF changed to the windows lf-cr and still no worky.

Im stumped =(

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