c0ldfyr3 wrote:

> Hi all, im new to the list so excuse any mistaken ignorance on my behalf =P
> I have a problem, and ill try to give as much detail as possible.
> I am trying to run the file hldsupdatetool.bin downloaded from filefront.
> When this failed, I downloaded hlds_l_1120_full.bin from the same website.
> I have changed persmission using windows "Security" tab and gave all
> users full permissions.
> I then chmod 777 both files.
> When I ./ either, the result is
> ./hlds_l_1120_full.bin: ./hlds_l_1120_full.bin: cannot execute binary file
> ./hldsupdatetool.bin: ./hldsupdatetool.bin: cannot execute binary file
> -rwxrwxrwx+ 1 c0ldfyr3 None 445055300 Sep 24 18:56 hlds_l_1120_full.bin
> -rwxr-xr-x+ 1 c0ldfyr3 None 3513408 Apr  7 22:48 hldsupdatetool.bin (May
> have been 755 but should work anyway)
> I also tried reinstalling cygwin with the LF changed to the windows
> lf-cr and still no worky.
> Im stumped =(

You are trying to use in Windows something that is meant to be used on Linux.

Does that answer your question?

Cygwin is not Linux.  If you want to run Windows and Linux at the same time look
at coLinux.

Do you even have a Half Life dedicated server running?  Look at the
documentation for the dedicated server first.
René Berber

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