c0ldfyr3 wrote:

> I am not trying to run it, I am trying to compile the .so for a plugin I
> am writing for the game.

Are you cross-compiling?  When you say .so that is also for Linux/Unix.

> To do that, I need the .so's and .lib's from the srcds package.
> To get that, I either need to run the 4 hundred something mb full file.
> Or the hldsupdatetool to download the package.

Again, the .bin extension is not used in Cygwin, it is probably just an image
(that's the bin(ary) extension for).  Try the command "file hldsupdatetool.bin"
to see if the file's format is recognized.

> I have a compiler made specifically for the cygwin environment that
> emulates the c++ compiler needed by valve.

And Valve distributes this compiler?  Whithout a complete SDK?

> It compiles 3 of my cpp files but stops on one contained in the hl2sdk
> folder and I have come to the conclusion that when I read "The srcds
> package is required to compile" that I needed the srcds package.
> Does this make it a lil less obscure as to what im trying to do =) ?

Not really.  I don't know the development environment Valve or somebody else
made; and I don't know how the dedicated server for Windows is constructed,
perhaps they are emulating Linux in some way and even using/loading dynamic
libraries made for Linux.  It is possible, but I don't know.

I think it would be better to ask your question on the Valve developers forum,
don't you think?   We can only guess at what you are doing and probably don't
solve anything.

René Berber

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