John W. Eaton wrote:
On 15-Aug-2006, Joachim Achtzehnter wrote:
Clearly, developers make a huge contribution,
nobody is denying this, but to suggest that *only* developers contribute
and everybody else should therefore just shut up

I never said everyone else should "just shut up".  My point was that
if you aren't contributing in some way, then you shouldn't expect your
complaining to carry much weight.  The way to get things done is to do
the work, not just complain and hope that people do something for you.

...or offer money. That carries more weight than complaining. :-)

However that doesn't work in all cases. This I am reasonably confident is one of them. But as a general rule...


It seems there is really no need for this discussion now, as there are
several options available for someone willing to do the work:
[snip mingw bullet]
  * Patch your own version of GNU Make for Cygwin (I don't think that
    the patch used with the previous version is a secret).

Of course it isn't "secret". GNU make is GPL'd, therefore Cygwin's patched version of it was also. Since it was distributed, compliance with the GPL means that source code was also available; further, anyone still offering 3.80-cygwin is required to provide it.

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