On Tue, Aug 15, 2006 at 05:53:17PM -0500, mwoehlke wrote:
>John W. Eaton wrote:
>>On 15-Aug-2006, Joachim Achtzehnter wrote:
>>>Clearly, developers make a huge contribution,
>>>nobody is denying this, but to suggest that *only* developers contribute
>>>and everybody else should therefore just shut up
>>I never said everyone else should "just shut up".  My point was that
>>if you aren't contributing in some way, then you shouldn't expect your
>>complaining to carry much weight.  The way to get things done is to do
>>the work, not just complain and hope that people do something for you.
>...or offer money. That carries more weight than complaining. :-)
>However that doesn't work in all cases. This I am reasonably confident 
>is one of them. But as a general rule...

No, it would work in this case, but I hesitate to name my price since
it will surely make me sound even more evil.


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