James A. Donald:
> > Another interesting application is controlled traceability -- 
> > Andy wants to be able to prove he paid Betty, but he does not
> > want third parties to be able to prove he paid Betty.

Morlock Elloi wrote:
> Mental constructs like this one, complicated schemes that
> require knowledge of modular aritmetic to understand, is why
> this will not happen.

They do not have to understand modular arithmetic to use them, any
more than they have to understand modular arithmetic to use https

Huge numbers of people use modular arithmetic to secure their
credit card numbers, their transactions with overseas banks in tax
havens, their transfers of e-gold.  They do not to understand
modular arithmetic.  They just understand that third parties
cannot listen in, and that the site they communicate with cannot
be spoofed. 

         James A. Donald

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