On Sun, 12 May 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Huge numbers of people use modular arithmetic to secure their
> credit card numbers, their transactions with overseas banks in tax
> havens, their transfers of e-gold.  They do not to understand
> modular arithmetic.  They just understand that third parties
> cannot listen in, and that the site they communicate with cannot
> be spoofed. 

Again, bull. Jeesh, you should go into the manure business. You'd be rich
in no time.

These poeple do -not- use modular arithmetic. The machines and the
software they run does. They put a card in (maybe) and enter a number or
two and then wallah, it happens like (Clarkian) magic.

Further, if they believe these systems are foolproof then they're
mistaken. They are -hard- to crack, not impossible.


         The law is applied philosophy and a philosphical system is
         only as valid as its first principles.
                                James Patrick Kelly - "Wildlife"
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