At 12:58 AM 08/11/2002 -0700, Lucky Green wrote:

>BTW, does anybody here know if there is still an email time stamping
>server in operation? The references that I found to such servers appear
>to be dead.

The canonical timestamping system was Haber & Stornetta's work at
Bellcore, commercialized at  The site is current,
has some Digital Notary Service and Secure Email things on it,
and something much more amazing - it looks like they received
$7M in financing in June :-)

There's a nice collection of pointers to timestamping systems at
though I don't know how current the references are -
the page was last updated 14.8.2002.

The free PGP-based system
has a news item from 04-Jun-02, which comments that,
although they haven't posted any news items in five years,
they've been in continuous operation....

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