On Wed, 20 Nov 2002, Vincent Penquerc'h wrote:

> I just hope that Americans see this, and see that what they're
> going to get from this behavior isn't world domination, but either
> a genocide of half the planet, or a life in a bared wire world,
> with no freedom left, in a vain attempt to protect themselves
> against the rage they've patiently cultivated.

They don't see it at all.  They won't have a clue what hits 'em
when the "end comes" either.  Hell, even their top spys didn't
see the WTC plane attack.

There's a book that was written in the 1980's (I think) called
"The Peter Principle" - everyone rises to their level of incompetance.
The US has now reached a level of incompetence unmatched by any
but the Hapsburg's.  The totally insane in charge of the robots.

It sure don't look good from inside the barbed wire, that's
a fact.

Patience, persistence, truth,
Dr. mike

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