> Tyler Durden[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
> "In school yard politics this edge is normally a weapon
> of some sort that can equalize the playing field (guns usually in the US, 
> try going to an inner city public school for 2 years).  Saddam sees this
> and 
> that is what let him to develop those WMD, to equalize against a superior 
> foe / bully"
> A good point from Mr Trei. I'd follow this up by saying that most kids,
> when 
> getting that weapon, do not plan on using it, but hope that it's presence 
> alone will act as a deterrent..."You c-c-can't push me around anymore
> 'cause 
> I got THIS..."
> At the very least, it changes the nature of the discussion at the
> bargaining 
> table (this is precisely what Mao meant by "Diplomacy comes out of the 
> barrel of a gun".
> The problem with Saddam, however, is that he does have a track record of 
> actually using such weapons, most notably with the Kurds (where he gassed
> a 
> few 10s of thousands).
> Not a great scenario, no matter how you look at it.
Just for the record, I did not write the quoted paragraph.
That was "Thoenen, Peter  Mr.  EPS" 

Peter Trei

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