"I believe that it is generally accepted that until quite recently, in
historical terms, the Jews fared much better under the Muslims than
the Christians."

Actually, there's no comparison. Although there have been exceptions, the Muslims' track record is MUCH better than the Christians. Take Moorish Spain if you want an example. Christians/Jews under Muslim rule had to pay an extra "tax". A decade or two later, Jews and Muslims under the inquisition had Satan tortured out of them...

What we see in the Middle and Far east with Muslim extrmists is both an exception historically speaking, as well as an offshoot of the cultish "Wahabi" sect (started in the middle of the last century in Saudi). It could be argued that a people facing fast change (either due to technology or imperialism) tend to form Fundamentalist versions of their culture/religion, in order to hold onto their identity and morees. This, of course, does not absolve what is done in the name of that code, but it does make us realize that human nature in the Middle East is not significantly different from human nature in, say, the US.

From: Mike Diehl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Jim Dixon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,Tyler Durden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: OPPOSE THE WAR! We are going to ruin Iraq to get the oil. Who 's ne
Date: Tue, 19 Nov 2002 15:37:38 -0700

On Tuesday 19 November 2002 03:30 pm, Jim Dixon wrote:
> More to the point, there were no Muslims in Biblical times. The
> Muslims appeared around 600 years after Christ, centuries after the
> beginning of the Jewish diaspora. The Romans drove the Jews out of
> Jerusalem and Judea after their rebellion (66-135 AD). The Christians
> introduced anti-Jewish laws in roughly 300-600 AD, when Jerusalem was
> under Byzantine rule.

All true. And yes, I did know this.

> I believe that it is generally accepted that until quite recently, in
> historical terms, the Jews fared much better under the Muslims than
> under the Christians.

Mike Diehl
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