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At 6:51 PM -0800 on 12/10/02, Tim May wrote:

> ...but
> this is considered tacky in civilized places.)

This from one of the world's major uphill-and-upwind misanthropes, a
man who hasn't yet thought of *any* American city he wouldn't really
rather see nuked until it glowed -- or any cop car he wouldn't throw
rocks at.


Who's finally figured out it's something really trivial; it's just a
good ole boy lost-the-plantation-to-the-carpetbaggers Ol' Virginny
cavalier thang, right down to the mock ebonics, the horror of
miscegenation, the delusions of class and pretensions of honor (see
above), and, especially, all that morbid fascination with the sins of
the Big City. Didn't understand it really, until I saw a couple of
drunken former members of the Alexandria High School backfield try to
go after this skinny Ethiopian shopowner on the Metro late one night,
all full of the South Shall Rise Again, and whatchew lookin' at,
boy... Not that I should talk, of course, being redneck on one side
and frisian berserker dutch on the other :-), but at least it *does*
explain a few things...

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R. A. Hettinga <mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation <http://www.ibuc.com/>
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"I guess it's disingenuous to argue with someone who spews truth from every
orifice."  --Aaron Evans

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