I get a lot of compliments on my anonymous posts here.  Thanks very
much guys, keep those cards and letters coming.

But cypherpunks isn't that great a forum for publishing ideas.  Take a
look at http://www.inet-one.com/cypherpunks/current/maillist.html to
see the unfiltered list feed.  Sure, no subscriber with half a clue
actually sees it like this, but that's how it looks to the outside world.
It's tough to find the nuggets of enlightenment buried amongst the crap.

I'd like to start publishing a blog.  But of course given the sensitivity
of my position and the boldness of my arguments, it's important that
there be strong anonymity protection.

Does anyone have advice on how to get started with anonymous blogging?
I have access to Windows, Linux and Mac systems, and I could go through
anonymizer.com or some other service if necessary.  Ideally I'd like to
use one of the turnkey blog clients for ease of setup and use.  Thanks
for your suggestions.

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