On 11 Dec 2002 at 2:40, Nomen Nescio wrote:
> But cypherpunks isn't that great a forum for publishing
> ideas.  Take a look at
> http://www.inet-one.com/cypherpunks/current/maillist.html to 
> see the unfiltered list feed.  Sure, no subscriber with half
> a clue actually sees it like this, but that's how it looks to
> the outside world.

In a way, Mathew's and Choate's attack upon the list has done
us a favour.  The list is now effectively restricted to those
with the will and ability to use filters, which raises the
required intelligence level.

For a while Mathew kept changing his email address, which led
me to consider hunting him down and remonstrating him in person
on my next visit to Australia, but now he holds it constant, so
he and Choate are only a problem for idiots.

         James A. Donald

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