On Sat, 14 Dec 2002, John Kelsey wrote:

> The thing that's being missed here is that, if elections can be won by
> running on a pro-freedom slate, politicians will be found to do that.  Note

Running and winning are 2 different things.  So far most libertarians
don't win, but it's slowly changing.

> that guns are still legal in the US, despite the fact that armed private
> citizens are apparently *very* unpopular with the decisionmaking elite in

I don't know, Ashcroft is adament about the 2nd amendment.  It's about the
only good thing I can think of otherwise.

> IMO, the Republicans won the midterm elections because most Americans are
> more scared of Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden than of George Bush and
> John Ashcroft.  As long as that continues, being seen to take bold and
> far-reaching steps to fight the war on terrorism is going to be necessary
> for anyone who wants to win an election.  So we're going to continue to see
> cosmetic security measures (like confiscating nail clippers at airport
> gates), and security measures that have horrible potential for abuse (like
> letting the president disappear anyone he claims is an unlawful
> combattant), and even security measures that are likely to make citizens
> less safe from terrorist violence (like invading Iraq).

Partly I agree, but the whole Iraq thing is smoke pulled out of thing air.
It's so blatently obvious the kid is doing the dad's dirty work for either
the oil or revenge (or both!) that most people can see it.  They just
don't care.  OBL is something they really worry about.  The twin towers
really are gone.  That the US government can't put together a commission
to burry the facts is pretty amazing though.  Everybody must realize
there's too much to burry.  The US has the dumbest government on the
planet, and probably the documentation to prove it.

What scares me the most is that the majority doesn't really care that
the government is stupid.  Sooner or later that's gonna bite them in the
butt when the swat teams kick in their doors and blow their heads off.
The ones who escape death will just be "non-combatents" and never see
the light of day.  When just one guy gets that treatment, it's an
interesting excercise for lawyers.  When 100 people get it, we will have
a far more serious problem.  But until 100,000 people get turned into
non-combatents with no rights, the majority just isn't going to care.

Patience, persistence, truth,
Dr. mike

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