On Thu, 19 Dec 2002, Michael Motyka wrote:

> As I age I find my eyesight is changing and I have a tougher time discerning
> government from corporate entities. ( en what? ). Who writes our legislation? Who
> controls what is said in our mass media? Dumbing down the population so that when
> they put on their thinking caps they'll choose a good screwing every time seems to be
> job #1. The pit is getting deeper and the guards on the edge are better armed every
> day.
> Think happy Christmas thoughts

Don't worry, be happy!

> Think happy Christmas thoughts

Don't worry, be happy!

> Think happy Christmas thoughts

Don't worry, be happy!

> Think happy Christmas thoughts

Don't worry, be happy!

> Think happy Christmas thoughts

Don't worry, be happy!

Patience, persistence, truth,
Dr. mike

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