On Tuesday, December 31, 2002, at 11:32  AM, Michael Cardenas wrote:
But what if this data is used as part of a larger picture, such as in
TIA. It definitely can be used, along with gas purchases, to track
where a suspect, aka a citizen, is living.  Also, many possible
weapons such as perscription drugs, box cutters, and kitchen knives
can be purchased at a grocery store, which combined with case data
could be useful in framing, aka finding, the suspect.
_Can_ be used is different from _must_ be used.

Collecting valid name information costs a vendor money (both in labor, computerization/records, and in driving some customers elsewhere). It also deters some people from completing transactions.

Given free choice, most parties to a transaction in a store will not exchange name information. Examples abound of this. No time today to describe the examples of where people choose not to give names. Flea markets, gas stations, grocery stores, hardware stores, etc.

A gas station which refuses to take paper currency limits its sales. J. Random Terrorist will likely buy gas with cash.

Only an enforceable (and unconstitutional, for various reasons) requirement for ID will work.

As for your point about prescription drugs, box cutters, kitchen knives being trackable, I assume this is a troll or something you haven't thought through. Treat it as a signal to noise problem, with millions of such purchases every day. Again, I don't have time to describe this in detail. Think about it.

--Tim May

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