On Tue, Dec 31, 2002 at 12:12:02PM -0800, Tim May wrote:
> On Tuesday, December 31, 2002, at 11:32  AM, Michael Cardenas wrote:
> >But what if this data is used as part of a larger picture, such as in
> >TIA. It definitely can be used, along with gas purchases, to track
> >where a suspect, aka a citizen, is living.  Also, many possible
> >weapons such as perscription drugs, box cutters, and kitchen knives
> >can be purchased at a grocery store, which combined with case data
> >could be useful in framing, aka finding, the suspect.
> As for your point about prescription drugs, box cutters, kitchen knives
> being trackable, I assume this is a troll or something you haven't
> thought through. Treat it as a signal to noise problem, with millions
> of such purchases every day. Again, I don't have time to describe this
> in detail. Think about it.

Isn't the whole purpose of TIA (or the claimed purpose) to be able to
say person A bought weapon B on this day, bought C gallons of gas to
drive to govt building D, and then blew up building D with weapon B,
therefore person A must be the criminal?

michael cardenas       | lead software engineer, lindows.com
hyperpoem.net          | GNU/Linux software developer
people.debian.org/~mbc | encrypted email preferred

Listening to: Sonic Youth - Inhuman

"Existence is a fullness which man can never abandon."
- Jean-Paul Sartre

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